Proper and timely technical services are critical to the success of any water treatment program. Our objective is to provide programs that effectively achieve

results so that full power operation is possible at all times while meeting all permit limits. With this in mind, ASI offers a comprehensive service program designed to closely monitor systems and ensure success. Our services include the following but are not limited to:

  • Review of daily plant test records since the last service visit.
  • Review the progress of current treatment programs.
  • Discuss any operating or water related questions or problems since the last visit.
  • Inspect water treatment and related equipment as available.
  • Submit a complete written report of all findings and recommendations to appropriate plant contact.
  • Submit water or deposit samples to our laboratory if any unusual or upset condition occurs.
  • Provide training for plant operators as required.
  • Track performance.
  • Work on special projects to improve water treatment results.
  • Report inventory and calculate a material balance to insure proper dosing of all systems.
  • Review operating parameters for critical plant equipment.
  • Assist in troubleshooting any unusual or upset conditions in equipment or systems.
  • Provide trend graphs and charts to document cumulative chemical costs.
  • Provide trend graphs and charts to document key performance indicators.

We will routinely analyze samples from the various plant water systems in our labs. These results are used to cross check routine results from your operating personnel’s daily log sheets. Because our lab results are more in-depth, we use these to track various system trends.

For more information visit or call us at 440-933-9442.